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Barnacre Road

Primary School

Applications for September 2024 Nursery admissions are welcome and Barn Owl (before and after school childcare) booking form for 2024/25 is available via the website

Working Hard, Trying our Best, Having Fun

Year 6

Welcome to year 6


In the mornings, we are taught by Mrs Ormerod. In the afternoons, we are taught by Miss Rushin. Miss Singh also works in the year 5/6 team.


Our PE days this half term are Monday and Friday.

Homework is set on Fridays and is due to be completed by the following Thursday. Spellings are tested on Friday. Reading books are changed as often as necessary and we encourage all children to read aloud three times per week.



SATs Parents' Information

Our Summer 1 Curriculum

Our Curriculum for Spring 2

Relationships and Sex Education Parent Leaflet

The presentation below was shared on Meet the Teacher evening on Wednesday 13th September. If you have any questions, please see any of the year 6 staff.
























