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Barnacre Road

Primary School

Applications for Nursery admissions are welcome and Barn Owl (before and after school childcare) booking form for 2024/25 is available via the website

Working Hard, Trying our Best, Having Fun


We are always looking for new ways to raise money in a fun and exciting way, that is both profitable and manageable. If you have any ideas that you think we should try, please either join us at a meeting - you will be made most welcome, call into school or contact  any PTFA member. As another means of contact we have now got our own email address - 

Barnacre's Parent, Teachers and Friends Association meet termly to develop exciting fundraising ideas to support our children's education and school environment.  Our focus this year continues to be on equipment for the outdoor learning areas.  We also pay for coach travel for residential trips and Christmas class gifts.  


The PTFA is currently just a handful of people but we'd love to see it expand.  If you enjoy simple event planning, have ideas about fun money raising opportunities or are willing to be on hand to support events practically, we'd love to hear from you.  We are also still in need of a Treasurer who can help us keep track of income and expenses on a simple spreadsheet.  Our next meeting is Monday, 4th November 2024, 6pm at the school.  It's a relaxed friendly meeting, usually about 1hr.  Please do come and help support the school.


We are looking for volunteers to support the PTFA film night on Thursday 17th October.  Please email 

2023/24 Round Up
