Our Curriculum Intent
At Barnacre Road Primary School, our vision is to provide for our children a broad and balanced curriculum which is ambitious for all learners. We aim to ensure that children leave our school equipped with the knowledge, skills, cultural capital and qualities to succeed in the next stage of their education and to make a positive contribution to their local community and society as a whole.
We believe that it is our duty to make learning fun, engaging, memorable, accessible and ambitious for all children, instilling in them a love of learning.
We take seriously our duty to teach children about the fundamental British Values of mutual respect and tolerance, democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty. These values are woven through our curriculum so that our learners leave us prepared for life in modern Britain.
Should you have any questions about our curriculum, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Ormerod. deputy@longridge.lancs.sch.uk