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Barnacre Road

Primary School

Applications for September 2024 Nursery admissions are welcome and Barn Owl (before and after school childcare) booking form for 2024/25 is available via the website

Working Hard, Trying our Best, Having Fun

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4/5


Here are the exciting subjects we will be learning about this half term. If you would like to know more about our learning, please visit the "Knowledge Organiser" section below and click on the relevant half term. 



Our learning for the Summer 1 Term.

Information for Parents




Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check Information for Parents

Relationships and Sex Education Parent Leaflet

PE days for Year 4/5

The Year 4/5 group of children will have their PE lessons on a THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes in their PE kit on this day and brings PE pumps with them so that they can work effectively in their gymnastic and dance sessions. 


If you require further information about our school PE kit, please check the presentation above.

Many thanks for your co-operation.












